Sunflower Mom on a Mission

Kim is the official "Spokesmom" for Just For Me(tm) Texture Softener(tm), the brand new breakthrough in hair care for girls of mixed heritage! Her daughter, is featured on the hair care system package, and you may have even seen her on Barney! Kim's blog will contain her thoughts on being a mom in a multi-ethnic family, health and beauty and self-image and self esteem. And for fun, she will interact with other moms who have "hair care chronicles and horror stories."

Sunday, April 15, 2007

"Positively Texas"


Just an update...My daughter and I appeared on a local television show which aired this morning. We were invited on to discuss the issues of raising multi-ethnic children. Overall, I think the interview went really well. We were able to mention the product on the show!! :) I hope the word gets out even more!!

I am amazed at all of the responses that have been coming in. I know that this product may not work for everyone...but for the has been nothing but positive!! I AM SOO HAPPY!! I also appreciate all of your advice dealing with the "hairy" issues. I have noticed lately, though, that she has been wanting to wear her hair straight and/or down all of the time. The more I thought about it, I think that she is trying to hide her neck. We actually had a long discussion this afternoon about this. It has REALLY affected her more than I thought. We did have a talk about how boys usually say things or will chase and hit you because they like you. They just don't have the social skills yet. That is their way of saying they like teasing you. She finally realized that. She knows that it is what is on the inside that counts but she is VERY sensitive when it comes to her being hairy. We actually made a big decision this weekend and my husband and I let her shave her legs. She wouldn't even wear shorts because of the black hair on her legs. That really helped boost her self esteem. The first thing she said was, "I can wear shorts now!!"

My mom is actually the one who suggested that we let her shave. I really didn't want her to until she was at least 12. I had told her about the teasing at school so they had a discussion about it at her bowling night. My sister-in-law and my mom said that if it would make her feel more confident...then to let her do it. THAT WAS BIG NEWS!!! :) I was trying to remember how old I was when I started to shave. I do not like the fact that she is growing up. It is very depressing!! :(

Oh well...I did want to address one of the comments that I did receive the other day. My daughter had really tight springy soft curls when she was younger. I really thing you should try the product and also use the pro-line comb thru moisturizer. It really helps weight down and tame the hair especially with the texture softener. You have to make sure that you read the time directions. The product will not take out the curls, but it also depends of the results you want. If you want to tame the frizzies and make it easier to manage, as far as combing it out, but still keep it really curly...don't keep it in as long. If you leave the product in longer, it will lengthen the curls and the hair will hang longer. We actually left the product in a little longer the last time we used it (because she had her hair cut on Barney and they chopped it). It helped make her hair hang longer. Also, you might want to try using 2 bottles of the sunflower oil. Use a complete bottle on the hair before you use the product and then mix as the instuctions tell you. We have tried it several ways!! It ALWAYS makes her hair easier to comb and way less breakage.

I hope this helps!!

"Sunflower Mom"


At 6:34 AM, Blogger Just Sarah said...

I wanted to comment about the shaving. I think I was abotu 10 or 11 when I started getting teased abot hairy legs. My mom let me use Nair at first since it wasn't a lot of hair and I was too young to shave regularly. There are so many more products out there like that now that maybe you can try one of those. They claim to last longer than shaving and also you don't get stubble like with shaving. I plan on trying the new Veet kind this summer! Just a suggestion.

At 4:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I am eager to use the "Just for Me' Texture product, but at the same time I'm hesitant. Have there been any bad reports? My daughter will start swim classes in less than two months and I'm fearful that if I put the softner in her hair now, it will cause extensive damage when combined with the chlorine. I'm also worried about breakage and or whether the product retards hair growth. I will be asking you questions about the product periodically, so I hope you don't mind.

P.S. What a beautiful little girl you have.

At 6:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does this product contain lye? I have attempted to contact the company to ask this question, but the line was busy throughout the day, and I haven't had received a response in refence to my emails to the company thus far.

I am also wondering if you will be posting more before and after photographs of children who use this product? I've read the post in which the majority of the parents are satisfied, and your daughter's hair is lovely, but I'd like to see more results.

At 9:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have read through all the past comments and I still have a major question about reapplying the product after 12 weeks. My daughter is 6 and we used it for the first time 12 weeks ago. She is due for another application, but it doesn't make sense to me to just apply it to the new growth. The Christmas picture you showed where you said the day before you applied the product again and her hair so so shiny and soft, it makes me question whether to put this product again on her whole head. The directions say otherwise, but it just doesn't make sense to me. Can you please help me, b/c I do not feel comfortable doing this again until I feel more educated on what to do. Thank you very much for all you are doing! I really appreciate it!

At 10:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been monitoring this blog for quite some time. I have been considering using this product on my daughter but I have questions. She is Afro-American however her hair is to soft for the regular straitening kit. Is there any way to contact the mother of the other child on product box? Since the hair textures of the two girls are different, I wondered if she had to modify the directions when she used the product on her daughter’s hair.

At 6:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Kim,

Thank you for the tip on using 2 bottles of the sunflower oil. Where can I find an extra bottle of this sunflower oil?

Thank you,

At 12:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello Kim,

I've posted twice above, and have used the product since my worry and doubt, but I still have some questions. My daughter's hair seems more bone straight and wavy since the product was applied and I'm wondering how I will be able to regain her former curls while at the same time keeping the hair nicely textured. I'm also wondering how long I should wait to reapply the product since the results came out a lot straighter than what I would have desired. When re-applying, where do you find the new growth being that mixed race hair differs from African American hair? How do we avoid over-processing?-


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