Sunflower Mom on a Mission

Kim is the official "Spokesmom" for Just For Me(tm) Texture Softener(tm), the brand new breakthrough in hair care for girls of mixed heritage! Her daughter, is featured on the hair care system package, and you may have even seen her on Barney! Kim's blog will contain her thoughts on being a mom in a multi-ethnic family, health and beauty and self-image and self esteem. And for fun, she will interact with other moms who have "hair care chronicles and horror stories."

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Love Yourself. Love Your Hair.

I'm sitting here in Laguardia Airport and thought I'd let you know that the kick off for our "Love Yourself. Love Your Hair." Campaign went well, but it's just the beginning. Dr. Jeff Gardere did a great job telling the media here in New York about the "Conversation Starters" for moms who want to impact positively the self esteem of their daughters (click on the "Advice for Moms" link). Did you know that it can all start with the conversations during your grooming ritual in the morning? Yes...a little girl's self esteem and self identity is closely linked with the way she views herself. And her hair is very much a part of that self image. You can read more about the initiative on Yahoo! News. How can you take part in this national dialogue? You can start by adding your comments to this very blog. There will be other opportunites too. Stay tuned.

Yours in texture...

The Moderator

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At 6:51 AM, Blogger Dawn said...

Just wanted you to know that I'm about to hit publish for a post about the ad campaign on my blog. Also I mention this on my blog, too -- American Family's link is bad. She has her own domain now.

At 9:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would you please share/post pictures of African-American children (kinky texture) who have applied the texture softener? In the only pic that I can find, the child's hair is in a bun - would like to see it down and before & after shots. Thanks!

At 1:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Kinky Hair Mom... If you go to a newstand and pick up the latest edition of Sophisticates Black Hair Guide (February 07), there are great technical photos of a child with kinky hair having the texture softener applied. I'll try to get some other photos posted for you soon.

At 8:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi everyone ,
I hope someone could give me some advice. I have a 4 year old daughter who is constantly comparing her hair to mine and to her classmates and she's always asking why isn't my hair long Mom. I'm worried that she'll have image issues growing up.
My hair is long and straight and her father's is soft but by some weird genetic trick she has short and very curly hair. I'm thinking of cutting my hair short too to help her. What do you think? I'm going to wait until she is five to use the texture softener but it still won't help with the lenght problem. Any thing you can suggest?

At 7:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think cutting your hair short is a noble jesture, but it wont solve the deeper issue. My mom was of mixed heritage and my dad was African American. She and my sister had a completely different skin tone and hair texture than me. I was more brown skin and had nice length hair but coarse and tightly curled. Even though I had issues, she made me feel special, by complimenting me on how strong and versatile my hair was. Genetics is not a "Trick" but God's gift. Don't approach it as a problem, but look a ways that she can do her hair, that you can't. If you want to wait before you use a Texture Softener, consider taking her to a salon that specializies in natural hair.

At 2:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you anonymous #2 for the good advice you've given me, I think the first step should be taking her to a natural hair salon, and over the summer maybe I'll put her hair in single braids so it could rest and have a chance to grow.
I do tell her she's beautiful and special but she's always comparing hers to mine and that really bothers me, so Thanks again


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