Sunflower Mom on a Mission

Kim is the official "Spokesmom" for Just For Me(tm) Texture Softener(tm), the brand new breakthrough in hair care for girls of mixed heritage! Her daughter, is featured on the hair care system package, and you may have even seen her on Barney! Kim's blog will contain her thoughts on being a mom in a multi-ethnic family, health and beauty and self-image and self esteem. And for fun, she will interact with other moms who have "hair care chronicles and horror stories."

Monday, July 31, 2006

Why "Sunflower Mom"?

Hi again!!

I had a question from one of my readers wanting to know why or where the nickname "Sunflower Mom" came from. Well, let me tell you...You know this new product that I am the spokesmom for (Just For Me Texture Softener)? Well, it contains a little bottle inside of the box that is a "miracle worker"! It is an ANTI-BREAKAGE "SUNFLOWER" OIL FORMULA!!
This product is not a is a texture softener.

The sunflower oil prevents damage from combing and styling! Remember in my previous story I said that I couldn't comb out my daughter's hair without pulling out tons of it or it breaking off??? Well, let me tell you, the sunflower oil really works!!! I am amazed at how easily her hair combs out. She can even do it herself!! That in itself is amazing!! You know the older your kids get, the more independent they get. She has been wanting to comb out her hair by herself for the longest time but never could because she couldn't even come close to getting out all of the tangles. Well now, it is no longer an issue. I could go on for days about how much I love this stuff!!

Anyways, that is how I came up with the name "Sunflower Mom"!! Pretty catchy, huh?? :)

Until next time...
"Sunflower Mom"

"The Unknown"

Before my daughter was born, I was very curious and kind of worried about how her hair would turn out. I have several friends that have multi-ethnic kids and some had African American hair while others had hair I've never even seen before. It was very wirey and unruly. One of my friends even had a child with blonde hair!! Needless to say, I didn't know what to expect and I didn't know if I would be able to manage it.

Well, when she was born, her hair was straight as a board. That is how mine is so I thought "Okay, I can handle this!" Well, by the time she turned 1, her hair was like springs! It was soft, but curly. I will never forget the mornings when she would wake up...Hair going everywhere and FFRRIIZZYY!!! My mom kept her while I worked and let me tell you, she went through every caucasion hair care product on the market for curly and frizzy hair. Every day when I would go to pick her up, there would be something different in her hair. One day, greasy. The next day hard as a rock!! It was awful!

Everywhere we went, people would want to touch her hair. Everyone loved it...except Brenna! She wanted it straight. Even at 3 years old she was wanting me to straighten her hair. I tried to blow dry it and curl it with a curling iron...NOT!! Her hair was scarey!!! It looked like she stuck her finger in a socket! So one day I heard a few of my students in class talking about ironing their hair so I thought I would try it! So there I was, my baby's head laying on an ironing board and I was ironing away! My husband thought I was going to burn her hair off!! I was afraid I was going to burn her. But instead, I burned myself!! OUCH!!! It took me a good 2 1/2 hours to get it somewhat straight and in less than 30 was frizzy and tangly!! Brenna absolutely loved it!! I thought she looked like a scarecrow!! My poor baby!

Well, while my mom was trying to control the frizzies, my mother-in-law, who is African American, would send her home with greased up hair parted into 5 different sections with pony tails everywhere! She was going through all of the African American products on the shelves. We were lost!! We would go from one extreme to the other. Thank goodness my daughter didn't mind when we messed with her hair! It is funny when I think back on everything now!! It is a good thing she had a tough head and I had strong wrists(combing out all of the tangles!!) :)

We finally found Pro Line Comb Thru thanks to my husband. He would use it on his hair and our son's. So I figured...why not try it on our daughters? It worked the best by far...but
IT WAS FOR MEN!!! Still couldn't find anything for multi-ethnic girls!! Her hair would hang longer and not be as frizzy....but it was still a pain to comb it out!! I could never comb out her hair without pulling tons of it out and it breaking off really bad. I was afraid she was going to be bald by the time she was 10!! Well, enough about my horror stories!!

Is there anyone out there that can relate to my problems??? Sometimes I would feel as if I were all alone!! Do you have any funny "hair stories"? If so...please send them to me so that we can share and laugh with each other!!

Until next time...
"Sunflower Mom"