Sunflower Mom on a Mission

Kim is the official "Spokesmom" for Just For Me(tm) Texture Softener(tm), the brand new breakthrough in hair care for girls of mixed heritage! Her daughter, is featured on the hair care system package, and you may have even seen her on Barney! Kim's blog will contain her thoughts on being a mom in a multi-ethnic family, health and beauty and self-image and self esteem. And for fun, she will interact with other moms who have "hair care chronicles and horror stories."

Thursday, September 14, 2006



Good news!! The Just For Me Texture Softener is now available at CVS stores. It was actually in this weekends brochure for CVS. I saw it with my own eyes!! I am very excited!! I also received an email from one of the users and I would like to share some of her comments with you:
- "We absolutely LOVE the product!"
- "Madyson was not uncomfortable during the application at all and it didn't smell bad like some products. I was able to comb through Madyson's hair so much easier than before."

She sent me some before and after pictures and as soon as I receive the okay...I will post them on the site so that you can see the difference for yourself!! The daughter wanted to straighten her hair after using the product so the mom flat ironed her hair and she was so impressed that her hair actually stayed straight and didn't frizz!! :)

I can also tell that it is about time to put another application on my daughter's hair again. It is going back to its original dry and tangling ways. It is soo obvious how well the product works on her hair. It is way more manageable and way less tangles!! She even said it herself the other night after getting out of the bath!! She came and told me, "Mom, it is time to put some more texturizer on my hair; it is getting dry again." After looking at the calendar, I realized that she was right!! The product can last up to twelve weeks. It has been a little over ten weeks for her! Thank goodness it is out on the shelves now!!

I have also been told that it will be available in Walgreen's in October!! :)

Let me know how it works for you!!!

Until next time...
"Sunflower Mom"

Monday, September 11, 2006

"Can this product be used on previously relaxed hair??"

Yes!!! A person can use the product on previously relaxed hair. However, ONLY on NEW GROWTH and not on the previously relaxed part of the hair. To be safe you shouldn’t try this until the hair has grown at least ¾ of an inch or more before trying… on previously relaxed hair.

One of the professional hair stylists will be blogging this week to give you specifics on how to use the product with all of the various hair types when it comes to multi ethnic children. She will also give you her insights on hair manageability options.

I would also like to encourage those of you who read this to check out the comments that are made. There are some wonderful support groups. We are not alone!! It seems that no matter where we live...we are all dealing with the same issues. I really appreciate you, Leo, for what you said!! We really don't owe anyone any explanation!! We just need to make sure that our children have a strong support group and that they understand that they are not alone!!

Until next time...
"Sunflower Mom"