Sunflower Mom on a Mission

Kim is the official "Spokesmom" for Just For Me(tm) Texture Softener(tm), the brand new breakthrough in hair care for girls of mixed heritage! Her daughter, is featured on the hair care system package, and you may have even seen her on Barney! Kim's blog will contain her thoughts on being a mom in a multi-ethnic family, health and beauty and self-image and self esteem. And for fun, she will interact with other moms who have "hair care chronicles and horror stories."

Friday, April 06, 2007

How Do I Reduce The Volume In My Daughters Hair?


Does your child have soft, waves that are too full and volumous? Many kids do. It’s not coarse or difficult to comb, but it so thick and full that it over takes your child’s face. Consider these tips;

Avoid shampooing everyday (unless swimming or in sports activity). Over-shampooing tends to dry the hair and scalp. Unless she has an oily scalp, try to limit shampooing to every couple of days.

Don’t blow dry hair from wet to dry, instead, apply a leave in conditioner then comb hair down smooth. Let hair dry under a hooded dryer from 80% to completely dry. *for fine to medium hair, sparingly add the Just For Me Hair and Scalp Conditioner *for coarser textures, add the Just For Me Oil Moisturizer on damp hair before drying. Both are great at smoothing and controlling volume.

Wrap, tie or cover hair at night to maintain the smoothness and reduce frizziness. A satin scarf or wrap cap from your local beauty supply are great alternatives.

Try not to rewet hair in the mornings. If you must, just lightly mist with the Leave In Conditioner. Otherwise, dab some of the Just For Me Hair and Scalp Conditioner ( flat ironed straight hair) or Crème Conditioner. (for wavy/curly hair). In the palm of your hands and smooth down frizz.

I will have some before and after photos for you soon of some moms and daughters who took my advice. In the meantime, have a Happy Easter!


Thursday, April 05, 2007

Dr. Jeff Gardere's Advice on Teasing and Name Calling

Hi! It's the Moderator again! I've been monitoring the conversation about children picking on other children because they seem different. So I asked our clinical psychologist Dr. Jeff Gardere to chime in on the discussion to give you Sunflower Moms and Sunflower Girls some tips on how to deal with it. Here is what he had to say:

"Yes, kids can be very cruel especially around the issues of name calling. The fact is they do not yet have the skills to censor their thoughts, so what we are basically left with is a verbal diarrhea; everything comes flying out. Also,because of their immaturity they do not know how to express their unbridled,sometimes hormone filled, hyperactive, emotions in an appropriate manner. So they may actually like or are attracted to another kid, but instead of saying “I like you,” they will instead pull a pigtail, punch a shoulder, or say something rude and obnoxious. It's part of their long road to maturity!

"What we need to do as parents is to help our kids better interpret, understand, express and verbalize their feelings in a more civil, loving and appropriate manner. At the same time we can also talk to our kids and prepare them for the ievitability of being taunted by other kids because of their appearance. Primarily we should get them to verbalize what has been said to them and how it makes them feel. That in itself is a great release and balm to their hurt feelings. It also gives us the opportunity to have “conversations” in order to help them understand what the taunting may actually mean and most importantly that the name calling is irrelevant, often harmless, and part of the outrageous slings and arrows of growing up."

--Dr. Jeff

If you have questions for Dr. Jeff, feel free to pose them in your comments to this post. Thanks, Dr. Jeff!

The Moderator

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Monday, April 02, 2007

"Sunflower Girl...Again!!"

Hi to everyone who reads this! Just a few weeks ago this kid who use to sit by me in class told me that I have a mustache, and a hairy neck. But I told him "you can say anything about me because it does not offend me at all." later on that week he told me this too, hey Brenna, your mother is white and your father is black so that makes you mixed! then they started to laugh a little . I felt very depressed but I tried not to let it show on my face. I don't understand why kids have to be so mean to people. How would they like it if somebody came up to them unexpectedly and just "Hey your mother is black and your father is chinese than that makes you blanese." My mom and dad tell me that I am special and I should be proud to be different than everybody else because that is a good thing.I know that they are right but it is so hard to ignore them.
It is late so I have to go because my mom said I have to go to bed.
Talk to you later, Sunflower Girl!!!