Sunflower Mom on a Mission

Kim is the official "Spokesmom" for Just For Me(tm) Texture Softener(tm), the brand new breakthrough in hair care for girls of mixed heritage! Her daughter, is featured on the hair care system package, and you may have even seen her on Barney! Kim's blog will contain her thoughts on being a mom in a multi-ethnic family, health and beauty and self-image and self esteem. And for fun, she will interact with other moms who have "hair care chronicles and horror stories."

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Love Yourself. Love Your Hair.

I'm sitting here in Laguardia Airport and thought I'd let you know that the kick off for our "Love Yourself. Love Your Hair." Campaign went well, but it's just the beginning. Dr. Jeff Gardere did a great job telling the media here in New York about the "Conversation Starters" for moms who want to impact positively the self esteem of their daughters (click on the "Advice for Moms" link). Did you know that it can all start with the conversations during your grooming ritual in the morning? Yes...a little girl's self esteem and self identity is closely linked with the way she views herself. And her hair is very much a part of that self image. You can read more about the initiative on Yahoo! News. How can you take part in this national dialogue? You can start by adding your comments to this very blog. There will be other opportunites too. Stay tuned.

Yours in texture...

The Moderator

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Monday, February 12, 2007

"Help with the Product"


I have had several questions about when and how to apply the product. I can explain it to you but it probably would be easier if you were to just visit the Just For Me website. It gives VERY detailed directions as well as shows you an instructional video. On the site, there is also a Q & A section with many of the questions that have been asked here several times.

As far as applying the product, it should be applied to dry hair. When I applied it to my daughter's, it had been washed the night before. I also received a comment about my daughter's hair looking manageable before the product. It really was hard to manage and maintain. With a lot of work and time, yes, it looked good. But, it took a lot of time and many, many hours of experimenting with different products to see what would work the best. Her hair would break off and I would also pull out a ton of it every night when I would comb it.

This is what I have found that works best for me...I do not shampoo my daughter's hair. I only use cream rinse (or conditioner) on it. When she gets out of the tub, I towel dry her hair and then I apply about a quarter size more cream rinse on her hair (especially on the ends) without rinsing it out. I then apply the proline comb thru product on her hair and I comb it out while it is wet. This has been our usual routine every since she was little. I comb it out in sections as well. Thank goodness she has a hard head. It would really be a battle if she didn't!! I would always try to find something to keep her busy while I was combing!! A book or a toy usually worked well. I would also give her a baby and let her comb her hair out while I was doing hers. It would usually take me a least 10-15 minutes to comb out her hair. Now, with the JFM Texture Softener, it takes only a couple of minutes!! We still do the same routine, only now, SHE CAN COMB IT OUT!!! I am finally free of having to do it!! There are only a few tangles but she is able to manage them herself!! It is great!! I now have more time to spend on myself...OR SLEEP IN A LITTLE LATER!! :)

I hope this has helped some!!

Until Next Time,
"Sunflower Mom"