Sunflower Mom on a Mission

Kim is the official "Spokesmom" for Just For Me(tm) Texture Softener(tm), the brand new breakthrough in hair care for girls of mixed heritage! Her daughter, is featured on the hair care system package, and you may have even seen her on Barney! Kim's blog will contain her thoughts on being a mom in a multi-ethnic family, health and beauty and self-image and self esteem. And for fun, she will interact with other moms who have "hair care chronicles and horror stories."

Saturday, September 02, 2006

"Funny Story"


I just wanted to share a story that one of my collegues at work shared with me the other day. She is a white female who is also married to an African American. She has 3 boys and the other day they were giving their dog, Casper, a bath. The youngest, who is in second grade, was trying to control the dog while they were bathing him but the dog would not listen to him. So the mom yelled for the dog to be still and the dog obeyed her. When this happened, the son made the comment to his brother..."You know why Casper listened to mom? Because she is white and white people stick together!!!" Of coarse, Casper's fur is white so he made the assumption that he is a caucasion dog! So the mom said well, how come you listen to me??? Your not all white? He said...That's why I only listen to you "half" the time!! Get it???? Because he is half!! Isn't that funny?? It is also sad in a way that he is already understanding how this society is for the most part. "White people stick together". A second grader is figuring out how cruel the world can be! It kind of shocked her!

We also started sharing stories about other experiences that we have encountered. These are not so funny. I will share them with you in my next blog!! They are actually quite lengthy. I just wanted to share this short story with you!! I would also like to thank all of you that have commented and have given your prayers and your support for my family. I truly appreciate it. I wish the same blessings to all of you as well. Thank you for all of the wonderful compliments on my daughter too!! I feel that I am very blessed to have such a wonderful, grounded family and kids!! God has been good to me!! :)

PS...I was informed that the product should be in the beauty supply stores now!! It should also be in the other stores real soon!! VERY EXCITING!!!! I actually received a comment from one of the mom's who has used it on her daughter's hair and she as well as her daughter were extremely pleased with the product!! She said that it was the perfect fix for her daughter's hair. She actually tried the product a few days before school started (which I thought was kind of brave because usually you don't try anything drastic right before the first day of school). She said that her daughter was glowing!! She sent pictures and as soon as I am able...I will let you see the wonderful results!!! All I can say is...AMAZING!!!

Until next time...
"Sunflower Mom"

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

"Are You Her Mother???"

This past weekend I held a cheerleading camp at my gym for a local youth organization. My daughter was up there with me to help out with the little girls. After the camp was over, my daughter was yelling for me to show me something. When I went to her, one of the campsters (she was probably 6) came up to me and asked if she was my daughter. She seemed shocked when I said, "yes". She said, "But you don't look alike". I told her that she looked more like her daddy. She said, "he must be dark, what does he look like?" " I told her that he was a tall dark man. She looked at me and said, "he must be really dark! I told her she was right!! He is very dark!! I am sure that she didn't know that he was African American. What do you say to a 6 year old? So I just kind of left it at that.
My daughter didn't hear any of this conversation. I wonder what she would have thought about it? I wonder how she would have responded to her questions?
I have even had adults ask if she was my daughter. It gets frustrating sometimes!! I carried her for nine months, went through the sleepless nights...YES...she is my daughter! I don't feel that I should have to explain why she is darker than me or tell them that I am married to her father who is African American. Who knows...they probably think that I adopted her!!
PS...I was reading this to my daughter...she wanted to know what I was writing about. When she heard the last sentence, she made the comment, "that was mean". I asked what was mean? She responded, that those people probably think that I am adopted. I think I hurt her feelings. :(

Until Next Time...
"Sunflower Mom"