Sunflower Mom on a Mission

Kim is the official "Spokesmom" for Just For Me(tm) Texture Softener(tm), the brand new breakthrough in hair care for girls of mixed heritage! Her daughter, is featured on the hair care system package, and you may have even seen her on Barney! Kim's blog will contain her thoughts on being a mom in a multi-ethnic family, health and beauty and self-image and self esteem. And for fun, she will interact with other moms who have "hair care chronicles and horror stories."

Thursday, January 31, 2008

"Alligator Skin"


I hope everyone has had a wonderful week. It has been a very fast week for us!! The weather has also been crazy!! 50 mile an hour wind gusts, freezing cold weather and now I just saw on the news that it is going to be 76 on Monday!! You just gotta love Texas!! :)

The winter weather brings me into my topic today and also what we have been discussing at our house this week...alligator skin!! With all of this dry, cold weather, it seems to be causing problems with my daughter's skin. Her legs are sooo dry and it doesn't matter how much lotion or oil she puts on them, they still look VERY scaley. They are not ashy, but just look very scaley. Almost like she really does have scales. I honestly have never seen anything like it before. Our whole family gets really dry skin in the winter, but, with a little bit of lotion, or baby oil, it softens it up. I don't know what is going on with her legs. It is very strange and now it is making her very self conscious of them. Especially at cheer practice when she wears shorts.

If anyone can give me some tips...I would, or should I say, Brenna would appreciate it!! :) It was funny, the other day I walked into the bathroom and she was putting the Just For Me conditioner on her legs!! She is trying everything in the house. The wierd thing is is that it is only on her legs. It isn't like that anywhere else on her body.

Moving on to another subject...I am thiking about trying the Just For Me Texture Softener on my son's hair. He wants me to put it on his hair and see if it will help with the the dry, wirey texture of his hair. Of course, I love his hair. Except right now, he has it shaved. He has beautiful curls...and my husband shaved them all off at his request. He wants to grow it longer, but he doesn't like how curly it gets when he grows it out. He thinks it makes him look like a little kid. He is going to let it grow though so I can apply it to his hair. I will let you know how it turns out in a few weeks!!

Well, it is getting late!! Gotta get some sleep!! :)

Until Next Time,
"Sunflower Mom"

Sunday, January 27, 2008

"A New Year"

Hello again,

I know it has been a while since I have posted, but, it is a new year and we are ready to go full speed ahead!! :) Many of you have had questions about the product and so I will try to catch up to speed with you in the following months.

First, I would like to catch you up to date on my daughter's last 6 months. She has been quite busy with modeling and acting. It is funny...some of the clients want her hair to be straight while others damand that she come with it curly. Thank
goodness for this product because it allows her hair to be styled both ways and look really good. Before the product, when we would straighten it, it would still be frizzy. Now, it is sooo shiney and looks like it could really be naturally straight. When we took Christmas pictures, her hair was so shiney and beautiful straight. I didn't really pay much attention to it until my mom and cousin made the comment about how healthy and shiney her hair looked while they were looking at the pictures. It has really never looked like this before. It is amazing!!

On the other hand, all she has to do is wash it and back come the curls!! Which, of coarse, is my favorite way that she wears her hair. I think she looks too grown up with her hair straight. I think that is one of the reasons why she likes it like that. Kids always want to grow up to fast!!

She actually booked a Twister High School Musical commercial which aired on Disney and Nick. For this, the clients wanted her hair straight because they wanted the girls to look older. They also like her hair straight at Bloomingdale's. You can actually see pictures of her on their website right now under the kids section. You can see how nice her hair looks.

She just did a cheerleading catalogue shoot this past week where the client called 3 times to make sure that she came with her hair curly. Her agency also requested that her hair be curly in the headbook. Again, they want her to look younger!! :)

So I guess what I am getting at is that it is so nice to be able to interchange between her hairstyles. I no longer have to spend 2 hours straightening it. I did it the other day in 30 minutes!! A new record time!! Also, when she wears it curly, I no longer have to do her hair for her!! This really frees up my mornings to work on myself!! :)

I think that she is also beginning to realize how lucky she is. She has "the best of both worlds!!"

Until Next Time...
"Sunflower Mom"