Sunflower Mom on a Mission

Kim is the official "Spokesmom" for Just For Me(tm) Texture Softener(tm), the brand new breakthrough in hair care for girls of mixed heritage! Her daughter, is featured on the hair care system package, and you may have even seen her on Barney! Kim's blog will contain her thoughts on being a mom in a multi-ethnic family, health and beauty and self-image and self esteem. And for fun, she will interact with other moms who have "hair care chronicles and horror stories."

Saturday, June 28, 2008

"Setting the Record Straight"


Just wanted to respond to some of the comments that were received...I was asked to blog about what happens in our house and what some of the daily challenges we are faced with in our home life as well as Brenna's professional life. Because I am involved in an interracial relationship, and my daughter is bi-racial, that is what I discuss. I am in no way trying to tell anyone how to raise their child. I try to do the best I can with my daughter. I am in no way qualified to tell anyone this!! I am not in any way perfect!! Yes, I know that she is part AA and that is why she has the hair she does. But, as far as her hair type, it is different. Different, not being bad, just a different texture. As far as the marketing for this product, I believe it could be used for all ethnicities who have unmanageable hair.

Again, I try to instill good values in my children. They know that it is what is on the inside that counts. Unfortunately, the business that Brenna is in, looks play a very important aspect. It is tough!! I in no way mean to offend anyone. I realize that speaking about ethnicities is a very sensitive subject. I guess because I am so comfortable being with my husband and his family I sometimes forget that I am a "white woman" talking about sensitive issues. I would like to be seen as just a mom of no color just discussing some of the problems that go on in our lives, not because of race, but because of the crazy things that go on in our world!! We all have our opinions and I appreciate yours. Maybe I can learn from you as well.

I also would like to point out that I really appreciate the person who told me about the hair removal product!! I am definitely going to talk to our doctor about it!! ;)
We actually saw the threading being done this weekend at the mall. Brenna wouldn't go anywhere near it!! :) I am sure it works really well but it looked kind of painful. Is it???

Until Next Time,
"Sunflower Mom"